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Oh, I also decided to PDF out the second book as well; I have been meaning to update this one but haven't touched it
since 2004; it could use an update as I have more to add after the past decade of living and loving. Anyway, here it is.
When a Black Man Still Loves (PDF format)
You know what, at some point, you can't put a price on things. My horoscope for the day (3/14/14) said that I would come up with some great plan, and as I was talking to my cousing Shawncie who is in the Air Force and currently based in the Mideast, the idea hit me to just give the book away and accept donations. Hey, it could work. I will convert the second book this weekend which is more of an analytical look at love and the Black man as referenced by past relationships of mine (very few poems in it).
And actually this whole process makes me want to write more and more, so who knows what is next to come.
You can purchase the book for yourself, or you can always send a copy to someone else.