When A Black Man Loves - a romantic journey

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If you can't play the videos as FireFox has some issues, here are the youtube links for them all in order:

  1. Intro/Part 1
  2. Part 2
  3. Part 3
  4. Part 4
  5. Part 5
  6. Part 6
  7. Part 7
  8. Part 8

It didn't stop with the book!

What happens when you take six Black men, ranging in ages from 25-56, put them with the author, the book, some good Leikheim™ beer, nachos, and let the cameras just roll?

It was just bound to happen. I got so much feedback from the book, both from men as well as women that I figured the next step was to do an open forum of all brothers and just let women hear how we feel.

The beauty of this project is that it was not scripted and is just free-flowing. There were an assortment of characters in this round table.

While this in no way gives an accurate range of the players, it is just a brief glimpse of them. The cast encompasses men who have worked both blue-collar and white-collar positions, who have loved and lost, did good and did bad.

We looked at the ups and downs, as well as what we thought we wanted, to what we now know or think that we need. This is definitely a must see for Black women, as well as any woman who has wanted to know how we think and what goes on in our minds. It is also a must see for men just to feel the vibe and start some dialogue with their circle of friends.